Stanford must be the obvious threat because Labour’s sleaze machine are working over time.

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Says a person who supports ACT!

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You assume too much young man. Act left me 20 years ago. Do keep up.

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Regarding Labour's sleaze clockwork: it is true only for Hipkins, he is an attack dog, and I can assure you, the Labour Party membership hates him... but, there is no obvious candidate for leadership and it is the problem - maybe fortunately - Labour suffers from

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In many ways, Erica Stanford stands out!

Although I am a Labour Party member, I do not always agree with the party. I do want Stanford to lead National because she would inspire positive change in New Zealand.

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A vacuous piece that was hardly worth the bother of writing. Stanford is every bit a train-wreck as any of the other useless National MP's. All rhetoric and no substance. Much as I dislike Collins she is by far and away the best option, and in my view she knows this and that's why she didn't retire when she missed out last time, preferring the long game. She's a wiley one, I'd have a bob each way on her leading into 2026 election!

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We'll have to find a similar person, (ality), a straight talker, not focused on self, but first on God, our amazing Creator, on NZ and all Kiwis who live and breathe New Zealand.

You obviously know what corrections must be made, reparations to our beguiled bros and sisters, (and our future generations), but most of all a complete overhaul of the health ministry, handing it back to genuine Hippocratic Oath practitioners, removal of stupid climate, bird flu, carbon tax legislation and a return to good ol' Kiwi COMMONSENSE.

Do we need some deranged person in a position of power in New Zealand, introducing a pointless gene technology bill into our legislation?

No! Is the answer all Kiwis should scream at their loudest.

The underworld need us to be at odds with each other, unfocused on our Creator God and easy to beguil or instill fear into, in our singular state, as they slither fear driven charters into Nations around our amazing Blue Planet.

Let's sit quietly, humbly if you like, understand what evil befell us during the past few years, and is seemingly ongoing, use COMMONSENSE, logic and the Spirit of God that abides in millions of us, get back to basics!

The Trump Musk effect is a result of the Holy Spirit at work in Patriots in The US of A, and throughout our Globe, seeing the switch and switching the light on.

May God Bless New Zealand and all who love those Jewells.

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The Nats could possibly grovel at Liz Gunn's feet, ask her forgiveness for the lawfare attacks, and suggest that her dynamic, true grit and patriotism will bring Kiwis together, as one under God, and possibly ensure the Nats get another term!?

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Oops, I don't think this is likely or in any way possible.

Even conservative outlets made Liz Gunn look ridiculous after the 2023 campaign (The Platform, for example).

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Yeah! And the earth is flat

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Dear Mike Friend,

It is instructive that I respond to this comment (the others are not worth it). Your comment and its tone is disrespectful to someone, who made the effort to comment and raise a question. It is unacceptable. Please consider this as a warning: if I notice that you keep being disrespectful and not engaging constructively, I will ban you.



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Oh dear, ask me if I'm bothered! You're just one more example of right wing BS that I unfortunately stumbled across and couldn't resist an opportunity to call out your, and a number of your followers utterly ill informed and situated garbage.

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